Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Hi Mike..... I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear mother Virginia. Just read her obituary and I wanted to take this moment to offer our fondest condolences. I'm sure you and your siblings will miss her. Losing a family member, especially a mother can be devistating. Getting old is a process with which none of us has any experience with... but we must learn to accomodate with. My dear wife Harriet and I are realizing how sad it is to lose friends and family members. We can't get David out of our mind and probably never will ! We've had enough of our share of this but must continue on with the care and love we both share. Having you and Robin as friends is an honor. Once again, I wish to thank you both for staying in touch with me.
Stay well and stay in touch !
Bernie Zuch & Harriet
Phone: 516-364-3189